Hearing Blog

Featured image for “Brain Exercises Could Help You Hear in Noise”

Brain Exercises Could Help You Hear in Noise

It can be hard for anyone to hear in a noisy restaurant, bar, or party. However, for those with hearing loss—even those who address the issue, it can take a bit of extra focus and practice.  We collect sounds with our ears but listening and comprehension all happen when sounds reach our brain. Hearing loss often doesn’t happen all at once but slowly over years, impeding the delivery of certain tones, pitches, and sounds. This...
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Featured image for “All About Tinnitus”

All About Tinnitus

Have you ever experienced a buzzing or ringing noise in your ears – maybe after leaving a concert or noisy party? This describes tinnitus, hearing specific types of noises in one or both ears when on external sound is actually present. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 50 million people experience some degree of tinnitus and that 20 million deal with chronic tinnitus.  Tinnitus can affect everyday life in various ways....
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Featured image for “Tips for Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aids”

Tips for Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aids

Are you ready to invest in new hearing aids? Well, congratulations are in order! Many people wait on average seven to ten years before investing in hearing aids and with this come years for negative side effects off hearing loss to progress. This includes a strain on relationships, loss of self-esteem, chronic depression, social isolation, cognitive decline and a higher risk of falls. However now that you’ve made the jump and decided to invest you...
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Featured image for “Preparing for Your Hearing Aid Consultation & Fitting”

Preparing for Your Hearing Aid Consultation & Fitting

So you’ve just scheduled your first hearing aid consultation and fitting? Well, congratulations is in order. It takes the average person seven to ten years from the time they suspect they have a hearing loss to act and get to this step. Now that you have been most likely about to experience some incredibly beneficial changes across your life. Not only do hearing aids make it easier for you to hear the people in your...
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