What Our Patients Say

At Hearing Aid Specialists of the Central Coast, we measure our success by the loyalty and satisfaction of our patients. Some of our patients have been with us from the very beginning, and feel like an extension of our family. Take a look at what some of them have said online.

I have been using this company managed by Peter Lucier since 2003! My last set of hearing aids drowned when I inadvertently put my head under water. I was upset but realized that I needed a new pair considering the old ones were 6 years old and there might be better technology available. I work in a very noisy environment in an emergency room, and having good hearing is critically important. Peter worked me in that evening as he had planned to stay late to assist his daughter in a school program. I scrambled over to the office and in less than and hour I left very satisfied. It wasn't until I got a chance to really test these new Phonak hearing aids at work and home that I was completely overwhelmed with their ability to clarify without jacking up the volume as my old ones did. I can't recommend this company and Peter more.
- Mark E.
I have spoken to Peter several times about my hearing problems. He has always been very professional and in the end concluded I am not quite ready for a hearing aid. He could have sold me one and I would have bought it but being a high level professional he didn't sell me something I don't need yet. His office is efficient and it's a true pleasure to have become acquainted with Hearing Aid Specialists I highly recommend Hearing Aid Specialists.
- john p.

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