Hearing Blog

Featured image for “Conductive Hearing Loss: Signs, Causes, and Treatments”

Conductive Hearing Loss: Signs, Causes, and Treatments

Among the two main types of hearing loss, conductive hearing loss is far less common. The other main type—sensorineural hearing loss—is the type of loss most people encounter in older age when the cilia of the inner ear are damaged after years of sonic inundation. However, conductive hearing loss works rather differently. This type of hearing loss is located in the middle to outer ear and tends to be due to an obstruction to the...
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Featured image for “How Untreated Hearing Loss May Affect Your Job”

How Untreated Hearing Loss May Affect Your Job

Have you recently been in a noisy environment that made listening a challenge? Whether at a very loud restaurant, at a music concert, or even in a bar, you had to shout to have a conversation with your friends. You got home exhausted, and may even have felt the effects of all that noise the next day. Now imagine living with hearing loss, and feeling that struggle to communicate in each and every situation. If...
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Featured image for “A Link Between Stress and Hearing Loss”

A Link Between Stress and Hearing Loss

With our busy lives full of competing pressures, it’s not uncommon to deal with stress every day. Some stress can be a good motivator and help us stay on track to get things done. However, too much stress can become overwhelming, and can lead to a lot of health problems such as lowered immune system functioning, increased difficulty sleeping, and difficulty focusing on tasks and accomplishing goals. What is Stress? Not all stress in bad,...
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Featured image for “How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships”

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

What’s your favorite activity to do with your significant other or spouse? Do you enjoy getting coffee together at the local cafe, or going to a new art gallery or museum? Maybe you like getting outside, and enjoy walks in the woods or even a small hike. Perhaps you can’t wait to get home at the end of the day to spend time at home watching your favorite show together. Now imagine doing this pastime...
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