Hearing Blog

Featured image for “How Hearing Loss Treatment Can Lessen Loneliness”

How Hearing Loss Treatment Can Lessen Loneliness

Has social distancing and wearing masks in public left you feeling lonely this past year? It’s important to remember that you are not alone in this. It can be difficult to connect to people when you are trying to stay 6 feet apart and you can’t see people’s facial expressions through masks.  This pandemic may be remembered by many as their most lonely time. This especially a danger for those of us as we reach...
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Featured image for “Why Do Masks Make it Difficult to Communicate?”

Why Do Masks Make it Difficult to Communicate?

Masks have become an everyday part of our lives. Our public health officials recommend that we wear masks when meeting people, when visiting the doctor, and even when shopping. Masks are an effective way to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. However, we also know that masks make it difficult to communicate.  Masks Affect Speech Understanding Wearing a mask muffles the sound of your voice. This makes it harder to hear what’s being said,...
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Featured image for “Communication At Work: May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!”

Communication At Work: May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

Hearing loss is a serious condition you may not even know you are living with. This is because hearing loss can develop slowly over time, due to old age (presbycusis) or noise induced hearing loss, due to excessive noise at work or recreation.  It is often the people around you who notice you are missing conversation and first mention it. If people around you are suggesting this, then this is a good time to seek...
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Featured image for “May is Better Speech and Hearing Month!”

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month!

According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 48 million Americans (20 percent) report some degree of hearing loss. Hearing loss is third most common physical condition behind arthritis and heart disease, affecting people of all ages. People ages 60-70 are most affected. According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), approximately 28.8 million adults in the United States could benefit from wearing hearing aids. Sadly, of those age 70...
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