Hearing Blog

Featured image for “Studies Show that Hearing Loss Can Worsen Tinnitus”

Studies Show that Hearing Loss Can Worsen Tinnitus

Do you ever hear a ring in your ears that seems to be coming from nowhere? This is a symptom of tinnitus, often considered a symptom of a disease, rather than a disease itself, it can manifest as various static sounds that have now external source. If tinnitus occurs every now and then it probably won’t bother you too much but in certain instances tinnitus can be so severe that it becomes debilitating. It can...
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Featured image for “How Prevalent is Hearing Loss in the US?”

How Prevalent is Hearing Loss in the US?

Many people don’t take hearing loss as seriously as they should. While it starts as small miscommunications and the need to ask people to repeat themselves, it can quickly escalate into serious rifts in communication and the loss of awareness of the environment. The effects of hearing loss are often permanent causing the American Disability Act to recognize hearing loss of at least 90 decibels or more as a disability.   How Common is Hearing...
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Featured image for “If I Can Still Hear, Is it OK to Put Off Getting Hearing Aids?”

If I Can Still Hear, Is it OK to Put Off Getting Hearing Aids?

There is a spectrum of hearing loss that ranges from mild to profound. Symptoms and experiences of navigating daily life with impaired hearing is informed by the degree and type of hearing loss one has. This means that a person can hear decently and still have hearing loss which is why putting off treatment is dangerous for hearing health. People often assume that because they may experience some signs of hearing loss but can still...
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Featured image for “What Happens if You Don’t Treat Hearing Loss?”

What Happens if You Don’t Treat Hearing Loss?

If you’ve recently noticed a change in your hearing you may have some serious questions on your mind. For starters, you may be wondering if the difference you notice is serious enough to warrant a hearing exam. You may be worried you are detecting the first signs of hearing loss, but also may question how indicative a small hearing change could be.  Or it may be the case that you recently saw your hearing specialist...
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